Tuesday 22 November 2011

Why Malaysia's Government Arent SMART Enough.

I am proud to have a Malaysian background. However, the more and more I read about how smart the people leading Malaysia is, I am embarrassed. It has become a point that each time I see the face of a politician on TV or in the newspaper, I wonder if the politician knows what people really think of them.
Of course, not everyone shares my point of view. There are many people in Malaysia who will hang on every word politicians say because they want to be the recipient of projects. As you may or may not know, the Malaysian government has a glowing reputation of buying things at very high prices. Don't believe me? Why not read this beautiful article by Marina Mahathir at the Star Online.
When will the Malaysian public finally say enough is enough?
Pakatan seems to be doing well managing the economics of its states. Something that BN has failed to do during its time. Will Pakatan get the opportunity to run the country? I hope so.
But I also fear that BN might create chaos should they lose in the next election. Many people from BN have publicly threatened about the recurrence of May 13, 1969 should BN lose the next election. Their instilling fear into the public because their afraid that they might actually lose the next election. Their not worried about serving the people, their scared of losing their "under the table" stream of income.
Wan to see a humble leader? Look at the leader of the Kelantan or Penang state? They travel and live modestly, unlike the leaders of the other BN controlled state. How's that for comparison?
I am not saying its wrong to be rich. It's okay to be rich if you work hard. It's not okay to be rich from utter bribery.

Read Marina Mahathir's article at the Star Online, you'll know the truth.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Kill Someone and Get Only 3 Years Jail Time in Australia

I find it troubling to learn that in Australia, killing someone while driving a car, drunk (blood alcohol level 3 times that of the legal driving limit) only gets you 3 years of jail time.
Everyone is remorseful after an accident. This shouldnt allow them to be given a lenient penalty. Think of the loss the family and loved ones of the poor lady that was killed by the drink driver - not only was she hit by the car, she even had her legs run over a second time by the drunk driver trying to escape.
This is not fair.

Thursday 20 October 2011


In life, everyone will criticise you when you're trying to achieve something, not when you're standing idle.
People don't like it when you move forward in life and they remain stationary.
Take all criticism under consideration but evaluate for yourself which ones are valid and which are pure jealousy.
Life is meant to be changing. So be proud of your actions and don't listen to by standers.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Carlos Tevez: How Could He Have Misunderstood...

Carlos Tevez.
If you didn't know who he was before, well now you should know.
His recent decision to not come on an play for Manchester City in a Champions League match has catapulted his name in the search engines. His excuse - apparently he misunderstood what the coach, Roberto Mancini, wanted of him.
Duh? How stupid is this guy?
He expects us to think that he misunderstood the coach's language when asking him to come on as a substitute. Is this the first time he was ever asked to come and play from the bench?
FIFA is right if it goes ahead and bans Carlos from playing football for a couple of seasons. If nothing is done about this, this allows any player to refuse to play so that they can move to another club of their choice.
Carlos Tevez should be banned from playing for several seasons.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

To The Liverpool Football Team

This is a plea to the great Liverpool football team.

For the last 19 years I have been waiting patiently for you to win the English League Title once more. But you allowed the Red Devils to take the thrown of the best team in England. And dont give me the bull shit that 18+5 > 19+3. It's quite obvious to everyone that Liverpool is no match for the current Manchester United.

So, stop all the tweeting and Facebook status updates patting the back of fellow teammates. Stop wasting time and just focus on getting the work done on the field. 

As always, the pre-season is always more fun to watch than the season itself. And its no different this season.

Stop all the Facebook chatter and all the back thumping and just win all your fucking games, for once, will you?

Then, at the end of the season, when you have won the league, you can go and carry each others balls on Facebook.

Hypocrites Everywhere

I guess there's hypocrites everywhere in the world, isnt it?
Just look at one of Australia's biggest hypocrite: Coles CEO, according to Dick Smith.

Monday 26 September 2011

Is Leaving Liverpool Football Club Bad for You?

Is it true that all those who leave Liverpool, in arrogance, for better pastures never found the grass to be greener on the other side?
Just ask Michael Owen and now Fernando Torres.