Tuesday, 27 September 2011

To The Liverpool Football Team

This is a plea to the great Liverpool football team.

For the last 19 years I have been waiting patiently for you to win the English League Title once more. But you allowed the Red Devils to take the thrown of the best team in England. And dont give me the bull shit that 18+5 > 19+3. It's quite obvious to everyone that Liverpool is no match for the current Manchester United.

So, stop all the tweeting and Facebook status updates patting the back of fellow teammates. Stop wasting time and just focus on getting the work done on the field. 

As always, the pre-season is always more fun to watch than the season itself. And its no different this season.

Stop all the Facebook chatter and all the back thumping and just win all your fucking games, for once, will you?

Then, at the end of the season, when you have won the league, you can go and carry each others balls on Facebook.

Hypocrites Everywhere

I guess there's hypocrites everywhere in the world, isnt it?
Just look at one of Australia's biggest hypocrite: Coles CEO, according to Dick Smith.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Is Leaving Liverpool Football Club Bad for You?

Is it true that all those who leave Liverpool, in arrogance, for better pastures never found the grass to be greener on the other side?
Just ask Michael Owen and now Fernando Torres.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Will Australia Lose its Christian Roots?

I read in dismay of a primary school stopping its 25 year tradition of reciting the Lord's prayer during its assembly because apparently its goes against the rule that no religion shall be favoured.
Story of primary school banning the Lord's Prayer in Western Australia
I understand tolerance but I find it hard to accept that Christians, n the basis of tolerance and understanding, give up a lot of our rights in favour of other religions when the other religions will not do the same for us.
I am reminded of the plumber who came to my place a few months ago when a tree root burst one of our pipes and during our conversation, when I told him that I, a Catholic, may or may not opt to become a PR, he chided for me not wanting to become a PR and said that because of people like myself, people with other religions end up becoming PR and these people are not tolerant of the Australian way or life and want to impose their own culture here.
They keyword here is impose.
I find it really hard to comprehend people leaving their oppressive country and coming to Australia for freedom but then they start to ask for their rules to be applied in Australia. What a fucking moron. Why do they come here in the first place?
I also understood from a Malaysian news report that under the asylum exchange program, we would send 800 Muslims asylum seekers to Malaysia in return for 4000 non-Muslims. The ratio may be large but I think its a fair deal. Malaysia has always preferred Muslims compared to other races.
But whatever it is, please do not let Australia lose its Christian beliefs.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

How Do You Deal With Old Age?

How do you deal with growing old by yourself? When you have no kids
and family around you, how do you cope with growing old by yourself?