Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Stupid Malaysian Government

When I read articles like this, it reminds me of why my family, and many more Malaysians, have decided to leave Malaysia.

1. Stealing a Jet Engine - the Malaysian government implicates 2 low ranking officials for allegedly stealing a massive military jet engine and selling it to parties in Uruguay.

2. 1-Malaysia Email - RM50 million, from a private company, to provide email to Malaysians? How stupid can Malaysian government officials be if they actually believe that this is a constructive idea. With half the Malaysian population not even having a computer, what will they do with their email?

RM50 million is  a lot of money. Money that can be well spent in providing better public transport or medical services or even improve the country's broadband service. But for a private company to fork out RM50 million just to provide an email service, where's the ROI in this?

Will the real Malaysian Prime Minister stand up and reply?

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